America to Africa, H.E.L.P.

America to Africa, H.E.L.P.

Joni Sullivan, President & Founder
Gene Sullivan, MD, Vice President
Greg Satz, Secretary/Treasurer
Nancy Vannorsdel, Boise ID
Julie Jones, San Luis Obispo CA
Yvonne Gibb, Miami Beach FL
Debbie Rowe, Exec Director, South Africa
Centacow Catholic Mission
Small Village Foundation
Sisonke Municipality
"Our mission is to improve the lives of the disadvantaged children of Africa as a means for them to escape poverty and to improve the quality of their future."
In December 2013, the world lost one of the true giants of the past century. Nelson Mandela was a man of incomparable honor, unconquerable strength, unyielding resolve and eternal optimism. The definition of hope in the dictionary is: "the feeling of what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for best." Nelson Mandela was a man who hoped with all his heart and soul to end apartheid. In his inaugural speech he said; "We have triumphed in the effort to implant hope in the breasts of millions of our people. we enter into a convenant that we shall build the society in which all South Africans, both black and white, will walk tall, without any fear in their hearts, assured of the inalienable right to human dignity - a Rainbow Nation at peace with itself and the word." As we remember his triumphs, let us, in his memory, not just reflect on how far we have come, but on how far we have to go. Madiba may no longer be with us, but his journey continues on with me and with all of us.
America to Africa H.E.L.P. LLC is currently in its ninth year of operation. We are a non-profit, community-based organization-for the people and by the people.
Joni Sullivan started America to Africa by working with the Small Village Foundation and partnering with the WC Swanson Foundation which is based out of Utah. Together they donated medical supplies and equipment to St. Apollinaris Hospital in Centocow, South Africa. Next, Sullivan focused her efforts on providing a feeding program to the primary school in Ioxopa which could only feed a quarter of its students. The foundation quickly grew from there with Sullivan returning to South Africa from Idaho with Rhonda Sandmeyer and a construction company to build toilet facilities and install running water for the nursery schools in the Kwazulu-Natal Province.
America to Africa now supports over a dozen projects with help from humanitarian organizations and partnerships. Our main goals are to develop self-sustaining projects which will provide economic growth in the local South African communities and improve the lives of disadvantaged children in Africa as a means for them to escape poverty and improve the quality of their future. Over the years we have been able to provide medical supplies, teach skills training, fund local projects, disability therapy clinics, food deliveries, teach collaboration opportunities and construct toilet and water supplies for Creches (nursery schools).
Our vision is to improve the lives of underprivileged children and people in the resource-poor communities of Africa. We strive to restore hope and dignity in an atmosphere of social upliftment. Our core values are love sincerity, inclusivity and fun and we believe that this is evident in all of our programs and projects.
Registered as a Non-profit Organization (077-258 NPO) in March 2010 and as a Public Benefit Organization 930034499-18A Tax Exempt in September 2010 as the South African partner to America to Africa, HELP.